Deleuze Seminar 2016 – 2017

Deleuze & Fascism

Rosi Braidotti and Rick Dolphijn
Academic year 2016-2017

Time: Tuesday afternoons, 14.00-17.00
Location: Stijlkamer van Ravensteijn , Kromme Nieuwe Gracht 80, Utrecht University.
Organised by: the OSL (Netherlands Research School for Literary Studies) with the Centre for the Humanities at Utrecht University
Convened by: Professor Rosi Braidotti with Dr. Rick Dolphijn (Utrecht University) and guest speakers
Registration: please send an e-mail, including a biographical text of up to 100 words stating your affiliation and motivation for the seminar to and Professor Braidotti’s assistant:

For more information about Deleuze seminars and other activities please consult the website of the Deleuze Circle:


The seminar consists of ten sessions in English which will run throughout the academic year 2016-17 in Utrecht. Research masters and PhD students, as well as staff members, are welcome to participate. Students can get credits for their participation by attending regularly (attendance will be registered) and writing a final paper. Each session of the three-hour seminar will consist of an in-depth reading of a text by Gilles Deleuze (with or without Felix Guattari), sometimes alongside secondary texts by other theorists or philosophers.

Participants are expected to acquire the literature themselves, but wherever possible we will make pdf files available.

Abbreviations of key Deleuze and Guattari texts:

ATP: A Thousand Plateaus
WIP: What is Philosophy?
N: Nietzsche and Philosophy
Cinema: volume 1 and 2
Desert Islands
Two Regimes


SESSION 1: Introduction to the non-fascist Life
4 October, 2016

Reading material:

  • Preface to Anti-Oedipus by Michel Foucault.
  • Parr, Adrian. 2010. The Deleuze Dictionary, Revised Edition. Edinburgh: Edinburg University Press. Section on: “Fascism”


SESSION 2: How Much Fascism?
(Braidotti with Maria Hlavajova)
1 November , 2016

How Much Fascism, was an exhibition that took place at BAK, basis voor actuele kunst, Utrecht in 29012.
The exhibition engages in a dialogue with a provocative claim made by Slovenian sociologist, literary theorist, translator, and political activist Rastko Močnik in his collection of texts titled How Much Fascism? (1995). Močnik suggests that we no longer need to ask ourselves whether “new local populism, new “fascism,” [and] “new right-wing extremism” drive the contemporary condition, but rather, how much they drive that condition. We must attend not only to the open manifestations of fascism, though we witness more and more of such instances and one needs to ponder how societies that permit and tolerate such phenomena still “qualify” as democracies. More importantly, WHW suggest, “we need to turn our attention to the silent fascism that is becoming normalized through the systematic violence seeping into the laws and everyday administration practices of the nation-state, and to assess the mechanisms of oppression and the various symptoms of contemporary fascism that are being presented as unavoidable, pragmatic necessities.” In sync with these thoughts, the artists in the exhibition inquire about the possibility of art vis-à-vis such circumstances and invest in the cognitive power of art and the potential within the aesthetic experience of questioning reality.

Reading Material:

  • How Much Fascism? (BAK publication) 


SESSION 3: The Despotic State Machine
(Braidotti and Dolphijn)
20 December, 2016

Reading Material:

  • Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari 1983 Anti-Oedipus. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press (Originally published in 1972, by Les Editions de Minuit, Paris.). Chapter 3: Savages, Barbarians Civilized men; section 9: “The civilized capitalist machine” and section 10: “Capitalist Representation”.
  • Parr, Adrian. 2010. The Deleuze Dictionary, Revised Edition. Edinburgh: Edinburg University Press. Section on: “Stratification” (Braidotti and Dolphijn) 


SESSION 4: The Desire for a Strong Leader
(Braidotti and Dolphijn)
17 January, 2017

Reading Material:

  • AO: Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari; Chapter 1 The Desiring Machines, section 1: “Desiring-production’
  • AO: Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari; Chapter 3: Savages, Barbarians Civilized men; section 6: “The barbarian despotic machine” (Braidotti and Dolphijn)


SESSION 5: The Over-coding of flows
(Braidotti and Dolphijn)
14 February, 2017

Reading Material:

  • Desert Islands -On Capitalism and Desire 262-273
  • AO: Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari; Chapter 3: Savages, Barbarians Civilized men; section 8: “The Urstaat”
  • Parr, Adrian. 2010. The Deleuze Dictionary, Revised Edition. Edinburgh: Edinburg University Press. Section on: “Bodies without organs”


SESSION 6: Micro-Fascism and Fascist Desire
(Braidotti and Dolphijn)
7 March, 2017

Reading Material:

  • Guattari: Chaosmos, “Chaosophy”, pp. 208-232
  • Parr, Adrian. 2010. The Deleuze Dictionary, Revised Edition. Edinburgh: Edinburg University Press. Section on: “Micropolitics” 


SESSION 7: Segmentarity
18 April , 2017

Reading Material:

  • ATP- 1933: Micropolitics and Segmentarity
  • Koolhaas, Rem, “Field Trip A(A) Memoir”, in S,M,L,XL (New York: Monacelli Press, 1995), 215-233.


The conference will be held at ArtEZ AKI Academy of Art and Design, Hulsmaatstraat 35, 7523 WB Enschede
more details below


SESSION 8: Affirmative Ethics
(Braidotti and Dolphijn)
6 June, 2017

Reading Material:

  • Deleuze, Gilles. 1988. “Ch.2: On Difference between the Ethics and a Morality;
  • Ch. 3: The Letters on Evil (correspondence with Blyenbergh);
  • Ch. 6: Spinoza and Us”. In: Spinoza: Practical Philosophy. San Francisco: City Lights Books. (Originally published in 1970, by Presses Universitaires de France.) 


ArtEZ AKI Academy of Art and Design, Hulsmaatstraat 35, 7523 WB Enschede

The Annual National Deleuze Scholarship Conference is a conference intended to bring together scholars, students, activists, artists, and others working on the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze. All presentations will be held in English.
Each year, the conference is hosted at a different university in the Netherlands. In the academic year 2016-17 the conference is organized by ArtEZ AKI Academy of Art and Design, in Enschede.
This year the conference will be called: THE GRIN WITHOUT A CAT.
For more details see