OSL Research Day
INVITATION to the 2nd OSL Research Day
April 7, 2017
University Library Amsterdam
The second OSL Research day will take place on April 7, 2017 in Amsterdam (13:00-18:30). We invite scholars from all Dutch universities to explore affinities in their research interests and possibilities for future collaboration around a number of research topics (mentioned below). More topics can be added to the list, in particular by participants who already have a group of future collaborators in mind. In that case please contact dr Brigitte Adriaensen: B.Adriaensen@let.ru.nl.
The Research Day hopes to stimulate more collaboration between literary scholars and existing research groups in the Netherlands. Although literature is the main scope of the OSL Research School, we explicitly encourage interdisciplinary research.
The Research Day will start with the presentation of the 2016 OSL Awards to the winners Emy Koopman and Daan Rutten and a lecture by Pieter Vermeulen (KU Leuven) on ‘Five Propositons on Anthropocene Writing”. Pieter’s broad-ranging and innovative research on affect, memory and the anthropocene is closely related to various topics that will be discussed in parallel sessions during the afternoon (cf. Pieter Vermeulen. Contemporary Literature and the End of the Novel: Creature, Affect and Form, 2015; Memory Unbound: Tracing the Dynamics of Memory Studies, ed. with Lucy Bond & Stef Craps, 2016; ‘“The Sea, not the Ocean”: Anthropocene Fiction and the Memory of (Non)human Life,’ in press).
In these sessions, the participants will discuss their own research projects and interests and explore possibilities for collaboration. These sessions take 1.5 hour each, and are open to all researchers. Participants can register before March 15 for two discussion groups of 1.5 hour each, by sending an email to the session convenor indicated below. We invite session convenors to send a list with participants and a short abstract of the session content (max. 300 words) by March 20 to B. Adriaensen.
Seed Money
The organization of the sessions is flexible and is up to the main organizers of each session. The sessions can be envisaged as a match making event or as a round table discussion in which ongoing or future research projects are presented. We would explicitly like to invite you to think about future collaborations with the members of your session, i.e. the planning of symposia, book publications, joint funding applications (NWO, ERC etc.) or the organization of OSL budgeted academic events such as the Ravenstein Seminar in January 2019.
At the end of the day, the discussion groups will present the results in a plenary session. Plans for collaboration can be further developed in the month following the Research day and sent to B. Adriaensen. The OSL Board will make € 1000,- of seed money available for the most promising initiative.
13.00-13.20: Welcome and presentation of the 2016 OSL Award to Emy Koopman and Daan Rutten
13.20-14.10: Lecture by Pieter Vermeulen (KU Leuven): “Five Propositions on Anthropocene Writing”
14.10-14.30: Coffee and tea
Parallel sessions 1: 14.30-16.00
- Ecocriticism and Anthropocene – session convenor: dr Ben de Bruyn, (b.debruyn[at]maastrichtuniversity.nl)
- Tourism and Travel Cultures – session convenor: dr Tom Sintobin, t.sintobin[at]let.ru.nl
Parallel sessions 2: 16.00-17.30
- Memory – session convenor: dr Liedeke Plate, l.plate[at]let.ru.nl
- Poetics and Materialities of Knowledge – session convenor: dr Stephan Besser, s.besser[at]uva.nl
- Affect and Emotion – session convenor: dr Esther op de Beek, e.a.op.de.beek[at]hum.leidenuniv.nl
17.30-18.00: Round table discussion
18.00-18.30: Drinks offered by OSL