Lecture & Masterclass – Christian Moraru (University of North Carolina, Greensboro)
The Planetary Remaking of Cultural Studies: Steps toward a Geomethodology
Christian Moraru, University of North Carolina, Greensboro
The Netherlands Research Institute for Literary Studies, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Date: May 14, 2014
Time: 15:00-18:00
Venue: University Library – Belle van Zuylenzaal
Credits: 1 EC
In his talk, Professor Moraru will present his recent research, in particular his forthcoming book, Reading for the Planet: A Geopolitical Manifesto Critical Manifesto. Focused on post-September 11, 2001 American and world literature, philosophy, and cultural theory, Reading for the Planet carries on the inquiry of his monograph Cosmodernism (The University of Michigan Press, 2011) and of his forthcoming, co-edited essay collection, The Planetary Turn (Northwestern University Press, 2015). As Professor Moraru will specify in his lecture, Reading for the Planet theorizes a model of interpretation that both works out a full-dress argument and issues a manifesto-like call to critical action. He describes that model as “geomethodological.” Thus, his presentation will outline the components and modus operandi of a geomethodology. As he will argue, such an approach might help us come to grips with symptoms of “planetarity,” a cultural formation increasingly visible worldwide at the dawn of the 21st-century.
- Cosmodernism: American Narrative, Late Globalization, and the New Cultural Imaginary. Ann Arbor, MI: U of Michigan P, 2011, 440 pp.
Nota bene: Students who want to earn 1 EC for participation in the event are required to read the first chapter (p. 1-77) of this study in advance and to prepare questions (possibly in relation to own research) on this reading for the masterclass. The chapter will be made available via a dropbox; in order to gain access please email OSL-fgw@uva.nl.
Additional suggestions:
- Memorious Discourse: Reprise and Representation in Postmodernism. Madison. Teaneck, NJ: Fairleigh Dickinson UP, 2005, 282 pp.
- Rewriting: Postmodern Narrative and Cultural Critique in the Age of Cloning. Albany, NY: SUNY P, 2001, 248 pp. SUNY P “Postmodern Culture” Series.
- Also visit: http://www.uncg.edu/~c_moraru