Active Learning and Perusall: Lecture by Eric Mazur (Harvard) and Pablo Valdivia (OSL)
Online | 22 October 2020
Please click here to watch the recording of the lecture ‘Active Learning and Perusall: Learning Engagement’, given by Professors Eric Mazur and Pablo Valdivia as part of the International Conference of Computational and Corpus Linguistics (21-23 October 2020).
The Covid-19 crisis has been a disruptive force that has accelerated changes and transformations already present in our societies before the start of the pandemic. With regard to education, the digital transformation — with its quick transition from traditional face-to-face teaching to remote and online learning — has impacted how we organize teaching in our institutions, and forced us to re-think the very foundations of our pedagogies.
Prof. Eric Mazur (Harvard University) and Prof. Pablo Valdivia (University of Groningen) have extensive experience in constructive aligned course designs. They have combined active learning strategies with peer instruction and collaborative reading in Perusall. Their educational innovations provide efficient and effective new learning experiences adapted to meet our students’ novel competence needs and facilitate a quality learning engagement in remote teaching and learning.
This webinar comprises two parts. In the first part, Eric Mazur will elaborate on flipped learning principles in the context of remote education and how Perusall is a useful tool for facilitating interaction. In the second part, Pablo Valdivia will expand on a case study where Perusall had a crucial role in developing students’ intrinsic motivation and resulted in a co-creation, student-driven learning experience.