OSL seminar – It’s all about discourse!

OSL seminar – It’s all about discourse! Discourse analysis in het hedendaagse literatuuronderzoek 19 september – PC Hoofthuis 6.06, 19 oktober – PC Hoofthuis 1.14, 2 november – PC Hoofthuis 1.14, 7 december, PC Hoofthuis 1.14, 25 januari – PC Hoofthuis 4.04 Tijd: 14.00 – 17.00 uur. (m.u.v. 19 september, 15.00 – 18.00 uur) Organisatie: Marguérite Corporaal […]

Seminar – Ontologies of the Present

Ontologies of the Present: Dialectics and Genealogy from Hegel to Agamben OSL Seminar directed by Bram Ieven en Geertjan de Vugt When Foucault famously declared Sartre’s Critique of Dialectical Reason the last book of the 19th century the bell for the burial of Hegelian historicism was tolled. Foucault’s turn to Nietzsche and his revitalization of […]

Literature in/and/of Crisis

OSL Graduate seminar “Literature in/and\of Crisis”  Introductory course for research masters, 23-25 January 2012 Spuistraat 210, Amsterdam, room 420 Monday – Day 1 Teachers: Sander Bax and Thomas Vaessens 10.00-11.30                            Contemporary crises in literature and society Marx, W., L’adieu à la literature. Parijs 2005. Judt, T., Reappraisals. Reflections on the forgotten twentieth century. 2009. 11.30-13.30                            […]

Does Memory Have a History? Part Three: Myth

Does Memory Have a History? Part Three: Myth Drift 21, Sweelinckzaal, Utrecht, 18 November 2011 Workshop OSL & Onderzoekschool Mediëvistiek Research Group Transnational Memories (UU) & Memory: Cultural and Religious Identities (RU) In October 2008, theNetherlandsGraduateSchoolfor Literary Studies (OSL) andNetherlandsResearchSchoolfor Medieval Studies (Med.) organized their first joint workshop for PhDs, focusing on the concept of […]

De OSL 10 miljoen Euro Conferentie

Let’s Think Big De OSL 10 miljoen Euro Conferentie Amsterdam, vrijdag 4 november 2011 In tijden van schaarste is het verleidelijk om vanuit beperkingen en onmogelijkheden te denken. Maar wat gebeurt er wanneer we de zaken eens omdraaien? Wat zouden we doen wanneer we in de gelegenheid waren fors in de toekomst van ons vak […]

Deleuze Seminar

GRADUATE SEMINAR on GILLES DELEUZE and CULTURAL STUDIES Academic year 2011-2012, Tuesday afternoons, 14.00-17.00, Location: Stijlkamer van Ravensteijn, Kromme Nieuwe Gracht 80, Utrecht University. Organised by the OSL (Netherlands Research School for Literary Studies) with the Centre for the Humanities at Utrecht University Chaired by Professor Rosi Braidotti (Utrecht University) and Professor Anneke Smelik (Radboud […]