Francisca Silva Layera | News frames and effects on the affective assessment of immigrants: An analysis of Chilean digital media

Francisca Silva Layera | News frames and effects on the affective assessment of immigrants: An analysis of Chilean digital media | University of Groningen, Faculty of Arts, Graduate School for the Humanities (GSH) | Prof. Dr. Pablo Valdivia, Dr. Florian Lippert, Dr. Hugh McDonnell, Dr. Marc Esteve Del Valle, Dr. Konstantin Mierau & Dr. Jeanette […]

Rosmery-Ann Boegeholz | The ‘Mirror Syndrome’: young female university students’ reactions to beauty influencers’ activity on Instagram

Rosmery-Ann Boegeholz | University of Groningen
This project aims to diagnose how influencers’ actions through Instagram contribute to the appearance of different psychiatric conditions on young female users of the social network. In other words, it seeks to explore, describe, explain, and analyse how the impact that beauty influencer generates when advertising cosmetic products on Instagram in young female users’ daily life and if the systematic use of images by young female university students on Instagram may trigger the appearance of different mental disorders.

Danelle Du Plessis | Narratives of Crisis and the Cultural Practices of Coping with Them: Engendering Mediated Time During the Coronavirus Pandemic

From Crisis to Critique

Danelle Du Plessis | Narratives of Crisis and the Cultural Practices of Coping with Them: Engendering Mediated Time During the Coronavirus Pandemic | University of Groningen, Faculty of Arts, Graduate School for the Humanities (GSH) | Prof. Dr. Pablo Valdivia Martín & Dr. Ksenia Robbe

The purpose of this project is to explore gendered responses to the Coronavirus pandemic as a process of cultural organization to understand its implications for gender (in)equality. It proposes the development of the concept of ‘time use’ as a measurement of gender (in)equality to be used as a systematic temporal analytical tool during times of crisis. Within this context, it seeks to interrogate the role of the media in the construction of cultural representations of gendered time use in the home under lockdown and how the resultant cultural discourses can contribute to either the legitimization or attenuation of gender inequalities.

Leonardo Arriagada | CG-art: An aesthetic discussion of the relationship between artistic creativity and computation

Leonardo Arriagada | CG-art: An aesthetic discussion of the relationship between artistic creativity and computation | University of Groningen | Supervisors: Prof. Pablo Valdivia, Dr Florian Lippert and Dr Alberto Godioli 

This PhD research strives to understand how computer-generated art (CG-art) is reshaping the notion of artistic creativity. Thus, the focus lies on the relationship between Artificial Intelligence (A.I) and aesthetics.

Sofía Forchieri | Towards an Aesthetics of Discomfort: Feminicide in Contemporary Latin American Cultural Production

Towards an Aesthetics of Discomfort

Sofía Forchieri | Radboud University
Current conversations taking place in the fields of memory studies and perpetrator studies insist on the need to complicate the victim-perpetrator binary in order to capture the systemic underpinnings of violence. Central to these debates are the arts, where indirect forms of involvement that enable large-scale harms are being explored with intensified urgency.