Related Research Master Programmes
- Arts, Media and Literary Studies (RuG)
- Comparative Literary Studies (UU)
- Critical Studies in Art and Culture (VU Amsterdam)
- Cultural Analysis (UvA)
- Cultural Leadership (RuG)
- Cultures of Arts, Science and Technology Research (UM)
- Gender Studies (UU)
- Geschiedenis (UvA)
- Historical, Literary and Cultural Studies (RU Nijmegen)
- Literary Studies (Leiden University)
- Literary Studies (UvA)
- Literature & Contested Spaces (VU Amsterdam)
- Media, Art and Performance Studies (UU)
- Research Master European Studies (UM)
- Sociology of Culture, Media and the Arts (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Related Local Research Institutes
- Amsterdam Research Center for Gender and Sexuality (ARC-GS)
- Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA)
- Amsterdam School of Historical Studies (ASH)
- Centre for Gender and Diversity, Maastricht (CGD)
- Centre for the Humanities
- Instituut voor Cultuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek Groningen (ICOG)
- Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS )
- Onderzoekinstituut voor Geschiedenis en Cultuur (OGC)
- Radboud Institute of Culture and History (RICH)
Sarah Badwy | Learning to Read Ideologies for Citizenry
/in Current PhD research /by Alberto GodioliSarah Badwy | Learning to Read Ideologies for Citizenry | Promotors: prof. dr. Sander Bax and dr. Jeroen Dera (co-promotor) | Leiden University | 2024-2028 The focus of my research is the skill of ideological critical reading. This involves students analyzing imaginations in literary texts, examining so called “representations.” The premise of ideological critical reading is […]
Joy Koopman | Metamodern Reading in the EFL Classroom
/in Current PhD research /by ChantalJoy Koopman | Radboud University
Metamodern Reading in the EFL Classroom investigates how insights into the current zeitgeist can contribute to English as a Foreign Language (EFL) literature education and foster more engaged readers in the upper levels of secondary school in the Netherlands.
Marit van de Warenburg | Between Remembrance and Appropriation: Transcultural circulations of Poetry and Song
/in Current PhD research /by ChantalMarit van de Warenburg | Utrecht University
Cultural transmission is occurring all the time: cultural carriers circulate and are adapted to new circumstances and media and, in the form of translations, to other languages. Sometimes, however, cultural transmission is explicitly challenged. Particular reuses of pre-existing cultural carriers are then perceived as illegitimate. Think, for instance, of contemporary debates about cultural appropriation. In such debates, challenges to cultural transmission spark reflections on identity and on who can adopt what heritage. The project “Between Remembrance and Appropriation: Transcultural Circulations of Poetry and Song” analyzes such debates, reframing them in terms of the mobilization of memory.
Carla Stiekema | Cornélie Huygens (1848-1902): leven en werk van de rode freule
/in Current PhD research /by ChantalCarla Stiekema | VU Amsterdam
Cornélie Huygens is tegenwoordig een nagenoeg vergeten schrijfster. In haar eigen tijd (1848-1902) was deze vrouw van voorname afkomst juist een bekend figuur in Nederland, zowel vanwege haar literaire activiteiten als haar inzet voor het socialistische gedachtegoed dat eind 19de eeuw zijn opgang maakt.
Serra Hughes | Worlding Communication: Novel Communication Barriers in Global Science Fiction and Speculative Literature
/in Current PhD research /by ChantalSerra Hughes | University of Amsterdam
The novel communication barrier, an innovation beyond the norms of empirical reality that obstructs mutual understanding, is identified in this thesis as a distinct literary trope across a transnational range of science fiction and speculative literature. Locating this mechanism across a diverse corpus of texts from the Cold War period to the present and from the United States to Britain, Canada, Nigeria, Poland, Spain and China, this PhD project is the first to untether these novelties from their local contexts to develop urgently needed clarity on communication in a world of deepening divides.
Eeva Langeveld | Imperial Pasts in Contemporary Comics: Interrogating German and Dutch Colonialism through Word and Image
/in Current PhD research /by ChantalEeva Langeveld | Radboud University
This project investigates how contemporary comics challenge the dominant cultural archives of colonialism in the Netherlands and Germany.
Julia Neugarten | Anchoring and Innovating Classical Motifs in Fanfiction
/in Current PhD research /by ChantalJulia Neugarten | Radboud University
In my PhD-project, Anchoring and Innovating Classical Motifs in Fanfiction (2022-2026), I analyze how motifs from Classical Antiquity are transformed in fanfiction – stories written by and for fans, inspired by existing stories, and published online, for free.
Kyra F. Alberts | Breaking out of the Coffin: The afterlife of specters, vampires and the haunted house in the post-postmodern hauntological dominant
/in Current PhD research /by ChantalKyra F. Alberts | Leiden University
It has been argued that (Western) society is undergoing a paradigmatic shift, one that has been described by various scholars as one from postmodernism to post-postmodernism. A recurring theme of this shift is a sense of renewed social engagement with the world. In this thesis I will explore how this shift can be understood in terms of what Brian McHale calls a shift in the ‘dominant.’ Specifically, I propose to study the post-postmodern dominant as a hauntological dominant. To do so, I will develop a theoretical framework informed by Jacques Derrida’s notion of ‘hauntology’ and its recent theorizations in the context of what has been called the ‘spectral turn’ in the humanities and social sciences.
Kai Hopen | The MacArthur Fellowships and the Making of Contemporary American Literature
/in Current PhD research /by ChantalKai Hopen | University of Groningen
My research is on “The MacArthur Fellowships and the Making of Contemporary American Literature.” The project aims to sit between institutional and historical materialist literary history and American studies.
Yiming Wang | Fandom and participatory censorship: Boys’ Love fiction and globalized activities across the Great Firewall of China
/in Current PhD research /by ChantalYiming Wang | Maastricht University in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASOS)
My research is about online fan-fiction, Boys’ Love subculture and internet censorship and the title is “Fandom and participatory censorship: Boys’ Love fiction and globalized activities across the Great Firewall of China”.