Related Research Master Programmes
- Arts, Media and Literary Studies (RuG)
- Comparative Literary Studies (UU)
- Critical Studies in Art and Culture (VU Amsterdam)
- Cultural Analysis (UvA)
- Cultural Leadership (RuG)
- Cultures of Arts, Science and Technology Research (UM)
- Gender Studies (UU)
- Geschiedenis (UvA)
- Historical, Literary and Cultural Studies (RU Nijmegen)
- Literary Studies (Leiden University)
- Literary Studies (UvA)
- Literature & Contested Spaces (VU Amsterdam)
- Media, Art and Performance Studies (UU)
- Research Master European Studies (UM)
- Sociology of Culture, Media and the Arts (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Related Local Research Institutes
- Amsterdam Research Center for Gender and Sexuality (ARC-GS)
- Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA)
- Amsterdam School of Historical Studies (ASH)
- Centre for Gender and Diversity, Maastricht (CGD)
- Centre for the Humanities
- Instituut voor Cultuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek Groningen (ICOG)
- Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS )
- Onderzoekinstituut voor Geschiedenis en Cultuur (OGC)
- Radboud Institute of Culture and History (RICH)
Elizabeth Pinilla Duarte | Twittering for Peace? The construction of meaning and Otherness in digital media representations of the Colombian Peace Process
/in Current PhD research /by ChantalElizabeth Pinilla Duarte | University of Groningen
My research project studies the production of narratives of the Colombian peace process in Colombian digital media, both in official communication and in the comments left by consumers of news on the Facebook, Twitter and Instagram websites.
Lamyk Bekius | Genetic Criticism applied to born-digital works of literature
/in Current PhD research /by ChantalLamyk Bekius | Huygens ING (KNAW) and University of Antwerp
Up until now, literary scholars working in textual scholarship studied the genetics of literary texts that where produced using analogue methods. However, contemporary literature is produced within an environment where digital methods dominate; the NWO-funded project Track Changes: Textual Scholarship and the Challenge of Digital Literary Writing therefore investigates if and how this medium change affects the creative process of literary writing.
Floor Buschenhenke | The creative writing process in the digital age
/in Current PhD research /by ChantalFloor Buschenhenke | Huygens ING (KNAW)
This research is part of an NWO-funded project, Track Changes: Textual Scholarship and the Challenge of Digital Literary Writing, in which we investigate the consequences of the digital work process for research methods into textual genetics. The
Sophie, Hsin-lin Su | Paths with/out Us: Three Case Studies of Environmental Changes and Environmental Aestheticism in Taiwanese Literature
/in Current PhD research /by ChantalSophie, Hsin-lin Su | Utrecht University
This project draws on and positions itself partially within the field of ecocriticism to examine three case studies involving aesthetic representations of environmental changes in Taiwanese literature and culture: representations of butterflies, flying fish, and nuclear radiation in the region of the Pacific Ocean.
Andrés Ibarra Cordero | Queer Chronotopes in Contemporary Fiction
/in Current PhD research /by ChantalAndrés Ibarra Cordero | University of Amsterdam
This research examines representations of space and time in contemporary English and Spanish fiction by writers who have explored the construction of queer/gay male identities at the turn of the twentieth century.
OSL Awards 2018
/in Current PhD research /by ChantalEach year, OSL rewards two of its members with an OSL Award for the publication of an excellent scholarly book and article. The Awards are intended to acknowledge original and innovative contributions to the field of literary studies and to highlight the work of talented scholars at the beginning of their careers. The OSL Awards come with prize money of € 500,- for each award.
Jesse van Amelsvoort – Minorities, Migration, Mediation: Expressing Sense of Belonging in Multilingual Europe
/2 Comments/in Current PhD research /by ChantalJesse van Amelsvoort | Minorities, Migration, Mediation: Expressing Sense of Belonging in Multilingual Europe | University of Groningen – Campus Fryslân | Supervisors: prof. dr. Goffe Jensma, prof. dr Margriet van der Waal, dr Matt Coler | September 2017 – August 2021 This research project investigates the role multilingual minority writers can play in processes of […]
Roel Smeets – Character Networks in Contemporary Dutch Literature
/in Current PhD research /by ChantalRoel Smeets | Character Networks in Contemporary Dutch Literature | Radboud University Nijmegen, Department of Literary and Cultural Studies | Supervisors: prof. dr Maarten de Pourcq, prof. dr. Antal van den Bosch | September 2016 – September 2020 In the last decade or so, the rise of Digital Humanities has made it possible to implement […]
Daan Rutten and Emy Koopman receive OSL Award 2016
/in Current PhD research /by OslitThe OSL Award winners of 2016 are Daan Rutten and Emy Koopman. Both received their prize during the annual OSL Research Day on April 7, 2017.
Anouk Zuurmond – Transnational Literary Projects: Strategies and Effects in the Debate on a European Identity
/in Current PhD research /by ChantalAnouk Zuurmond | University of Amsterdam | External PhD Transnational Literary Projects: Strategies and Effects in the Debate on a European Identity As financial and political crises make issues of a shared European identity more pressing, the question of what binds us together is currently discussed with an increased sense of urgency. To facilitate such […]