OSL Research Day

Date: 7 October 2022 | Time: 10:00-17:00 | Venue: Leiden University | Organizers: Professors Maria Boletsi (Leiden University / University of Amsterdam) and Frans-Willem Korsten (Leiden University) | More information

PLEASE NOTE: When registering, please indicate (under ‘Remarks’): 1) Which panels/sessions you would like to attend; 2) Whether you would like to attend the event onsite or online.

Parallel panels:


Panel 1 (research group Theories from the South and the East) (1.11 / Gravensteen building)

“Decolonizing Russian and East European Studies: Perspectives from the Global South and East” – Roundtable

Convenors: Ksenia Robbe (U of Groningen) and Boris Noordenbos (U of Amsterdam)
Panelists: Sudha Rajagopalan (U Amsterdam), Gulnaz Sibgatullina (U Amsterdam) and Kylie Thomas (NIOD)

Panel 2 (Literature, Law and Society) (202 / Lipsius building)

“Humor, Satire and the Law”
Convenors: Ted Laros (Open U) and Alberto Godioli (U of Groningen)



Roundtable discussion

“From Mobilizations of the Past to Future Worlding in Post-Truth Rhetoric and Conspiracy Cultures”
Convenors: Frans-Willem Korsten and Maria Boletsi
Panelists/discussants: Boris Noordenbos (U of Amsterdam) & Sara Polak (Leiden U)


Keynote lecture by Sundhya Walther (U of Manchester)
“Multispecies Modernity and The Future(s) of The Environmental Humanities”


Panel 3 (research group on Sustainable Humanities) (1.11 Gravensteen)



Bookings are closed for this event.

Leiden University