Floor Buschenhenke | The creative writing process in the digital age
Floor Buschenhenke | The creative writing process in the digital age | Huygens ING (KNAW), Dept of Literary Studies | Supervisors: Prof Karina van Dalen-Oskam (Huygens, UvA), Prof Luuk van Waes (UAntwerp), Prof Dirk van Hulle (UAntwerp) | September 2018 – September 2023
This research is part of an NWO-funded project, Track Changes: Textual Scholarship and the Challenge of Digital Literary Writing, in which we investigate the consequences of the digital work process for research methods into textual genetics. The project is a cooperation between the Huygens ING and the University of Antwerp, and draws on our shared expertise in the field of text editions and textual genetics, alongside our complementary knowledge of computational literary theory (Huygens ING) and cognitive writing process research (University of Antwerp). Using keystroke logging, the writing processes of several Dutch-language authors will be registered. The two main research questions guiding my PhD-project are:
- How can we apply existing methods and theories of textual scholarship to analyze digital writing processes and in which ways will the analysis of digital writing processes enrich the existing methods and theories?
- How do writing process dynamics (e.g. pauses and revisions) enable us to describe writing strategies?
The objective is to develop a new model of the creative writing process, both at micro (process) and macro (text version) level, and to develop a new protocol for collecting and analysing born-digital materials using state-of-the-art technology. I intend to approach this through three topics: revision strategies, both at the (micro) process level and as impacting the (macro) whole text development and vice versa (macrostrategies as impacting revision behaviour in the process data). Secondly, through looking at pause and fluency measures, and thirdly by exploring the effects of being online to the writing process.