Submissions from eligible authors are invited for the award of the Anna Balakian Prize 2025 

The deadline for submission is 31st January, 2025
The Anna Balakian Prize is presented at the Triennial Congress of the ICLA, in order to reward an exceptional first monograph in the field of comparative literary studies, written by a single author who has not attained the age of 40 years. The prize, in the amount of U.S.$ 1000, comes from a joint donation from the family of Anna Balakian and the Friends of the AILC-ICLA. Its purpose is to promote the scientific research of the young comparatists and to honour the memory of Professor Anna Balakian, a reputed comparatist.

#dm4myth Workshop: Call for Papers

Aarhus – Denmark | 3 December 2024
We are excited to announce the First Workshop on Digital Methods for Mythological Research (#dm4myth) taking place on December 3rd, 2024. The workshop aims to bring together a network of researchers from various disciplines and backgrounds who are passionate about mythological narratives and their study using digital methods. This includes research efforts such as the automatic or semi-automatic analysis and modeling of mythological narratives, comparative efforts using digital tools, or the study and representation of mythological characters.

GDS Mini-symposium: Van een open blik naar een dieper begrip van digitale bookish platforms

20 november 2024 | Universiteit Utrecht
Dit mini-symposium brengt een diverse groep van jongeren, bookfluencers, leerkrachten, leesbevorderaars, onderzoekers en beleidsmakers samen om vanuit verschillende perspectieven en ervaringen tot een dieper begrip te komen van digitale bookish platforms, de lezersgemeenschappen die zich hierop manifesteren en eventuele mogelijkheden om (kenmerken van) deze digitale bookish platforms in te zetten in het voortgezet literatuuronderwijs.

Call for Papers: Soapbox 6.0 – On the Uses of Absence

We are inviting extended proposals by June 10th, 2024
Can we speak of a turn to absence? Across the contemporary academic conjuncture, theory is reapproaching the absent in all its varying fleshly and rhetorical forms, revalorizing ‘absence’ itself as a critical matter. Enduring scholarly investments in re-presenting and re-presencing the absented body (from the archive and media, from power and institutions, from theory and writing) have become supplemented in current critical work by an affirmative interest in staying with absence as such.

Call for papers: Conference Graphic Medicine

23-25 October 2024 | University of Groningen
Deadline: 15 April 2024
This conference will bring together theoretical and methodological developments on Graphic Medicine, as well as  practical insights and applications, and hopes to offer a fruitful place for discussion and critical evaluation of the field and its most recent developments and insights.

Vacancy PhD Candidate: Affectivity in the Anthropocene (Radboud University)

Application deadline: 15 April 2024
This project is funded by the Christine Mohrmann Foundation at Radboud University to support research initiated by Professor Dr Marjolein Oele, Professor of Philosophy of the Humanities. It is organised around the concept of affectivity (Greek: pathos), which has been crucial to theorising ancient Greek notions of undergoing, suffering, emotion, illness, and qualitative change. In the 20th and 21st centuries, notions of affect and affectivity are at the forefront of research in continental philosophy (e.g. Heidegger, Henry, Irigaray) and affect theory more broadly (e.g. Ahmed, Berlant). The prominence of these concepts is such that scholars even speak of an “affective turn” in the humanities (e.g. Clough and Halley).

Call for papers: Buffels, tijgers en witte mieren. Multatuli en het dierenrijk

Buffels, tijgers en witte mieren. Multatuli en het dierenrijk Symposium donderdag 13 juni 2024, Vrije Universiteit Organisatie Jacqueline Bel, Jaap Grave en Nicky Lagerweij Het werk van Multatuli wordt doorgaans vooral bestudeerd op de aspecten van koloniale problematiek, gelijke behandeling, mensenrechten of vrouwenemancipatie. Een aspect dat tot nu onderbelicht is gebleven, is de rol en […]

Call for contributions: 3 rd International Care Ethics Research Consortium Conference

Utrecht, The Netherlands
23-25 January 2025 (on-site) & 30-31 January 2025 (online)
Deadline for abstracts: 30 April 2024
This conference aims to bring together care ethicists; artists, designers, and other makers; artistic researchers; architects and urban planners; philosophers; methodologists; educators; policymakers; and others committed to exploring the fundamental question: what does it mean to care? Scholars and practitioners from all disciplines within and beyond the humanities and social sciences are invited to submit either an abstract (between 250- 300 words) for a 20-minute presentation or a proposal for a work of art/performance on the theme of aesthetics, care, and repair in the context of modern-day society.