Francisca Silva Layera | News frames and effects on the affective assessment of immigrants: An analysis of Chilean digital media

Francisca Silva Layera | News frames and effects on the affective assessment of immigrants: An analysis of Chilean digital media | University of Groningen, Faculty of Arts, Graduate School for the Humanities (GSH) | Prof. Dr. Pablo Valdivia, Dr. Florian Lippert, Dr. Hugh McDonnell, Dr. Marc Esteve Del Valle, Dr. Konstantin Mierau & Dr. Jeanette den Toonder


Migration is a global phenomenon of multi-causal origin and a transversal nature, becoming a massive dynamic that affects the world population, whose mediatization and politicization at the international level generates increasing debate. The present study aims to characterize the coverage and media treatment of migrants by Chilean digital media, according to their editorial line, through Quantitative Content Analysis and Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA). From a Framing and Agenda Setting perspective, this project investigates the main frames present in the Chilean media concerning news related to migrants depending on the editorial line (hegemonic or non-hegemonic), as well as describing the main topics and actors in public debates about migration.