Introduction to Digital Philology

Date: 23 March, 30 March and 1 April | Time: 15:15-17:00 (23 and 30 March), 13:15-17:15 (1 April) | Venue: Utrecht University (hybrid), see below | Instructor: Dr Gandolfo Cascio (Utrecht University) | Open to: PhDs and RMA students; OSL members have first access | Credits: 1EC | More information

Registration will open on February 2, 2022

NB: Credits can only be awarded to humanities ReMA and PhD students from Dutch universities.


By now, most writers have switched to computer writing; many of them are digital natives. Especially when dealing with digital texts, philology also faces a series of new theoretical and methodological challenges, such as the preservation of heritage, cataloguing and archiving of documents, ICT-related issues, as well as legal aspects.

This three-session workshop is intended to introduce students to a selected range of Digital Humanities research issues, with particular regard to keyword extraction and preparing digital critical editions.

Course objectives

The main objectives of this course are to provide both theoretical notions and practical competences in the field of digital scholarly editing, focussing on: 1) The archiving and cataloguing of material; 2) Knowledge and application of a suitable editing method, i.e. stemmatology and collation; 3) Hermeneutics and literary criticism.

Indicative working schedule

Session 1: Historical and theoretical framework / open discussion.

Session 2: Authorial archives and critical edition / workshop.

Session 3: The edited text / workshop / presentations.


Wednesday 23 and Wednesday 30 March
15.15-17.00 uur | Drift 25 Utrecht – room 301

Friday 1 April
13.15-17.15 uur | Drift 25 Utrecht – room 302


More details on the programme and assignments will be provided soon

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  1. […] Introduction to Digital Philology | Utrecht, March – April 2022 (three sessions). Organizer: Dr. Gandolfo Cascio (Utrecht […]

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