Message from OSL’s PhD Representatives
26 August 2020
With this message we would like to inform you that we, Kim Schoof (OU) and Judith Jansma (RUG), are the PhD representatives of OSL. This concretely means two things. First, we represent your interests during our quarterly meetings with the advisory board of OSL. Second, our goal is to create a closer community of OSL PhD candidates, which is why we want to reanimate the yearly PhD day.
It is therefore important for you to know that you can contact us at the email addresses below with all your questions, concerns, ideas and other things you think we should be aware of. We would be delighted to bring your input to the advisory board, or to hear your suggestions for interesting topics or speakers for our next PhD day (June 2021), and are of course open to any other new ideas.
All the best,
Kim Schoof (
Judith Jansma (