Narratives of Conflict, Peace and Reconciliation
International Online Seminar | October 2020 – May 2021
The Universities of Groningen and Antioquia (Medellín) are happy to announce the first edition of the international online seminar Narratives of Conflict, Peace and Reconciliation. The seminar is co-sponsored by OSL, and will feature six sessions delivered by leading experts in conflict narratives from an interdisciplinary perspective.
Confirmed speakers include Pablo Valdivia and Konstantin Mierau (Universidad de Groningen), Marcela Garcés, Vladimir Montoya, Alejandro Pimienta and Andrés García (Universidad de Antioquia), Heriberto Cairo (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), Luis Berneth Peña (Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies), Carlos del Valle (Universidad de la Frontera) and Jacqueline Fowks (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú).
More information on the programme and registration can be found here: Full Programme
NB: All sessions will be in Spanish.