Oceans as Archives Conference, 4-6 July, University of Amsterdam

Date: 4-6 July, 2022 | Location conference: University Theater and The Black Archives, Amsterdam

The Oceans as Archives conference contributes to the growing field of critical ocean studies, while intervening in the erasures and occlusions performed in scripting the field as a new terrain of inquiry. This three-day interdisciplinary conference brings together scholars, poets, artists, and activists to share and discuss work that centers the ocean as a source of knowledge and a method for thinking, writing, and critical praxis. The conference provides a space for sharing ideas and theories anchored in the longstanding critical traditions of Black (diaspora) studies, Pacific Islander studies, Critical Indigenous studies, Caribbean philosophy, postcolonial theory, and decolonial and anticolonial critique. There will be panel discussions, film screenings, poetry readings, performances, visual art, workshops, and conference papers. The conference will take place from 4 – 6 July 2022 at the University of Amsterdam. We are honored to announce that Dr. Alexis Pauline Gumbs will present the keynote lecture entitled “Relevant is Different Points on a Circle”: Audre Lorde and the Ocean Blue.” The keynote lecture will take place on July 5th and will be virtual. We will host a live screening gathering at The Black Archives.

1 EC can be obtained by submitting a critical reflection (800-1000 words, excl. bibliography) to nica@hum.leidenuniv.nl before 1 August 2022, 23:59. Students from OSL or other research schools are also invited to send their assignment to NICA. In their reflections, students should discuss one selected panel in light of relevant secondary sources (at least three); students are also welcome to elaborate on how the selected panel relates to their own research interests. It is also possible to obtain 2 ECs by submitting two reflections following the same format. NB: Credits can only be awarded to humanities ReMA and PhD students from Dutch universities.

Organizers: Dr. Kristie Flannery (Australian Catholic University), Dr. Renisa Mawani (University of British Columbia), and Dr. Mikki Stelder (University of Amsterdam)

For details and registration: www.oceansasarchives.org