OSL Research Day Seed Money and OSL Awards

OSL regrets to announce that the Research Day will not take place in 2020. The OSL Research Day normally serves as the official opening of our academic programme, and provides a valuable platform for dialogue and research collaborations between literary scholars within and beyond the Netherlands. However, the situation of uncertainty caused by the Covid-19 pandemic has made it quite difficult to plan physical events in Fall 2020; and since an online Research Day would defeat the very purpose of the event, this seemed like the safest decision at this stage. The OSL Executive Team and Advisory Board will consider the possibility of postponing the event to Spring 2021, should the circumstances allow for it; more updates will follow in the coming months. Update November 2020: The next edition of the Research Day is now scheduled for October 2021. More details will follow in the coming months.

On a brighter note, both our seed money grant and the OSL Awards will still be assigned as originally planned; please find more information below.


Seed Money

The seed money grant aims to foster collaboration within and beyond the OSL community. The OSL Board will make € 1000,- available as seed money for the most promising initiative, including for instance:

  • planning of symposia
  • book publications
  • joint funding applications
  • organization of OSL budgeted academic events such as the Ravenstein Seminar in January 2021 (in this case, the seed money will be added as an extra to the budget already made available by OSL).

Applications (short description of the collaborative project and estimation of expenses, approx. 500 words) should be sent to the OSL office by 16 November 2020 (osl@rug.nl). The OSL Board will notify the recipients by December 11th.


OSL Awards

OSL will reward two of its members with an Award for the categories ‘published scholarly book’ and  ‘published article’. The Awards are intended to acknowledge original and innovative contributions to the field of literary studies and to highlight the work of talented scholars at the beginning of their careers. The OSL Awards come with prize money of € 500,- for each award.

Eligibility criteria:

  • Recipients must be OSL members who have obtained their PhD from 1 January 2016 onwards at OSL or a university outside the Netherlands; a completed PhD is not a requirement.
  • The award will be granted for works in the field of literary studies of outstanding quality and originality in two different categories: published scholarly book and published article.
  • The works must have been published in one of the modern European languages within the period 1 January 2016 – 15 September 2020. Publications that have been submitted for the OSL Awards in previous years are not eligible for the OSL Award 2020.


  • Publications can be submitted by the authors themselves or anybody else. Submissions should be accompanied by a brief motivation in which the merits of the publication are outlined.
  • Articles should to be submitted as PFD-files to osl@rug.nl. Books can be submitted in digital form as well (if available), otherwise a hardcopy should be sent to Netherlands School for Literary Studies (Prof. Dr. Pablo Valdivia), Harmony Building, Oude Kijk in ‘t Jatstraat 26, 9712 EK Groningen.
  • The deadline for proposals for the 2020 OSL Award is 15 September 2020.
  • The winners of the OSL Awards will be announced by the end of November 2020.

Awards Committee: Prof. Dr. Maria Boletsi (Leiden University / University of Amsterdam), Dr. Ksenia Robbe (University of Groningen), Dr. Annelies Schulte Nordholt (Leiden University).

We look forward to your submissions!

The winners of the 2019 edition: Dr. Marieke Winkler and Dr. Tom Idema