OSL PhD Day 2024: Call for Papers

Dear OSL PhDs and ReMAs,

We are excited to announce that the upcoming OSL PhD day will take place at Leiden University, Lipsius Building 1.23 on Friday, 7 June 2024 (10:00-18:00). 

The day’s theme will be “Literature and Community.” The program will consist of a keynote lecture by Dr Leila Essa (Utrecht University) and two panels in which OSL PhDs can present their work in progress. The PhD day will close with a roundtable discussion on academic and non-academic career perspectives after the PhD featuring three guest speakers: Dr Suzanne van de Liefvoort (policy officer at Radboud University), Dr Chunyan Shu (senior acquisitions editor at Brill), and Dr Leila Essa (assistant professor at Utrecht University).

We welcome proposals from OSL PhDs related to the theme of this year’s PhD day. Possible topics include but are not limited to: 

  • literature and the (re)making of imagined communities 
  • literature and collective identity
  • reading and writing as community-building practices
  • literature and new forms of solidarity
  • literature and activism
  • literature and the public sphere
  • literature, publics and counterpublics 
  • literature and attachment: online communities / fandom / fan-fiction 

We warmly invite you all to consider presenting either a fully-fledged paper or your work in progress! Please send a 250-word abstract and a short bio to osl@rug.nl by Friday 5 April at the latest.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Sofía Forchieri (sofia.forchieri@ru.nl) or María Isabel Marín Morales (m.i.marin.morales@rug.nl).

Registration for this event opens on February 5th at 9am CET. Please register via THIS LINK.

NB: ReMA students are also welcome to sign up, and can obtain 1 EC from attending the event and submitting the assignments described below.

Assignment for 1 EC:

  1. Read the preparatory texts for Dr. Leila Essa’s lecture (to be circulated closer to the event), and send at least one question for the Q&A to osl@rug.nl before June 3rd, end of day.
  2. Write a conference report of 800-1000 words, in which you reflect on what interested you most about Dr. Essa’s talk (also in light of the preparatory readings), and/or what you learned from one or two of the other talks (possibly in connection with your own research interests). The report should be submitted to osl@rug.nl by Friday June 28th, end of day.



10:00-10:15 Welcome and introduction

10:15-11:30 Keynote lecture Dr. Leila Essa

11:30-12:00 Break

12:00-13:30 Panel session 1

13:30-14:30 Lunch

14:30-15:45 Panel session 2

15:45-16:00 Break

16:00-16:45 Roundtable discussion

16:45-17:00 Closing remarks

17:00-18:00 Drinks!

The full programme will be published in late April.