OSL Research Day: Full Programme
Groningen | 8 October 2021, 14:00-18:00 | Academiegebouw, Rooms A3 and A8
[NB: The event is planned as hybrid, but will move online if necessary]
Registration will open September 8, 2021.
PLEASE NOTE: When registering, please indicate (under ‘Remarks’): 1) Which panels/sessions you would like to attend; 2) Whether you would like to attend the event onsite or online.
After skipping one year due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the OSL Research Day is back, and will take place in Groningen on 8 October 2021! The Research Day aims to celebrate and cultivate OSL’s sense of community, and hopes to stimulate more collaboration between literary scholars and existing research groups in the Netherlands. While literature is our primary focus, we explicitly encourage multidisciplinary research.
The programme features three panels organized by OSL research groups, as well as a final plenary session on world literature. Please find an overview below:
Panel descriptions
Panel 1 (research group: Theories from the South and the East in Literature and Culture)
Politics and Poetics of Feminist Strike in the Postsocialist/Postcolonial Encounter
The panel will be organized as a session within the seminar series of the research group, with onsite and online participation of group members and open to the public and potential new participants. It will start with a brief introduction of the group and a summary of its two earlier seminars on decoloniality and infrastructure. We then continue with a discussion on the topic of feminist strike, around which a workshop will be organized by members of the group in April 2022. The panel will outline the research focus and initial questions, followed by a presentation of three case studies, and will then open to discussion and input by other group members and the public. The main questions to be addressed are: What are the aims and benefits of bringing postsocialist and postcolonial feminisms into the same fold? What are the meanings and practices of ‘feminist strike’ in the contexts we study? How far can this notion stretch: does it apply to cases of uneventful activism or to feminist resistance in which questions of labour are not explicitly articulated?
Chair: Hanneke Stuit
Panelists: Senka Neuman-Stanivukovic, Judith Naeff, Kylie Thomas and Ksenia Robbe
Panel 2 (research group: Literature, Law and Society)
The panel is open to the public, and will feature both remote and in-person contributions by current research group members. In particular, the session is meant as a roundtable discussion of two recent publications in the field of Law and Humanities — namely A Theory of Law and Literature by Angela Condello and Tiziano Toracca (Brill, 2020) and Art as an Interface of Law and Justice: Affirmation, Disturbance, Disruption by Frans-Willem Korsten (Bloomsbury, 2021). Following a short welcome and introduction to the research group, the panel will consist of two short presentations by the respective authors (10 minutes each), followed by an open discussion. Selected excerpts from both publications will be shared in advance with registered participants.
Panel organizers: Ted Laros (Open University) and Alberto Godioli (University of Groningen)
Panel 3 (research group: Crisis and Critique: Rethinking Europe and the Global South)
Perspectives on Futurity: Europe and the Global South
Following a hybrid format, the panel will involve online and onsite participation of members of the research group and is also open to the public and anyone interested in the panel and/or in joining the group. After a brief introduction of the group and a framing of the panel’s topic by the panel organizers, the first hour will be devoted to four short presentations, followed by discussion, by participants who will relate case studies from their research to visions on futurity from Europe and the Global South, and will unpack the implications of this notion in their respective fields (contemporary art history, anthropology, cultural studies, comics studies).
The presentations and discussion will be guided by the following questions: What does futurity mean in our respective disciplines and research? Which modes of ‘future thinking’ (e.g. futurology, prophecies, future scenarios in populism or conspiracy theories, utopianism etc.) are gaining popularity today and what are their political/ideological implications and valence? How can we link future imaginations with social justice, and particularly: How can Western epistemologies and epistemologies of the South feed into one another in thinking about alternative futures in relation to social justice?
Panel organizers: Maria Boletsi (Leiden University / University of Amsterdam) & Eva Fotiadi (St. Joost School of Art & Design, Avans University of Aplied Sciences, The Netherlands)
Speakers: Vasilis Alexiadis, Kristina Gedgaudaite, Eva Fotiadi and Dimitris Papanikolaou
Roundtable on World Literature
This final panel will focus on two upcoming, major contributions to the study of world literature(s), namely The Cambridge History of World Literature (Cambridge University Press; edited by Prof. Debjani Ganguly, University of Virginia) and Literature: A World History (Blackwell; edited by Prof. David Damrosch, Harvard University et al.). The session will start with three short talks by the two editors and by Professor Sandra Ponzanesi (Utrecht University), who is contributing to the former project. The talks will be followed by an open discussion chaired by Jesse van Amelsvoort (OSL PhD candidate, University of Groningen/Campus Fryslân).
Registration for the Research Day will open on September 8th, 2021. Please feel free to email us (osl@rug.nl) if you have any questions.
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[…] OSL Research Day | Groningen, 8 October 2021, 10:00-18:00. Keynotes: Prof. Debjani Ganguly (University of Virginia), Prof. David Damrosch (Harvard University) and Prof. Sandra Ponzanesi (Utrecht University). […]
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