OSL Research Group: Cultural Memory
OSL Research Group: Cultural Memory
Over the past two decades, the field of cultural memory studies has established itself internationally as an important and fertile area of inter- and multi-disciplinary research. Institutionalized through dedicated journals (Memory Studies was started in 2008), associations (Memory Studies Association was inaugurated in 2016) and standing committees (e.g. at MLA), with its own canon of theoreticians, the field has not only matured, but also grown and diversified. The members of this research group share an interest in recent developments in the rich and diverse field of cultural memory studies, and explore the material turn in memory studies, decolonial approaches to cultural memory, transnational memory, memory and life writing, etc.
The group’s activities include the organization of Ravenstein Seminar 2019, on the subject of materiality and memory.
The group welcomes new members. To get in touch please contact group coordinator prof. dr. Liedeke Plate.
Prof. dr Liedeke Plate (l.plate@let.ru.nl)
Anna Menyhért, Daný van Dam, Boris Noordenbos, Dennis Kersten, Yvonne Delhey, László Munteán, Brigitte Adriaensen et al.