OSL Research Group: Poetics of Knowlegde
Knowledge and scientific imagination are inherently linked up with issues of form and representation. This insight has informed the work of literary scholars such as Gillian Beer and N. Katherine Hayles as well as research in the fields of science studies, discourse analysis and certain strands of new materialism (K. Barad et al.). The members of this research group share an interest in recent developments in these fields and, more specifically, in the ways in which literary texts relate to other discourses and forms of knowledge, the shifting boundaries between literature and science and the history of divergent epistemic cultures in various contexts and disciplines. The bi-monthly meetings of the group are devoted to the discussion of work in progress by the group members, key publications in the fields of interest and the planning of joint activities (symposia, conference panels etc.). Previous meetings have focused on topics such as environmental posthumanism & science fiction and economic discourses & Dutch literature. The group welcomes new members. To get in touch please contact group coordinator dr. Marieke Winkler.
Marieke Winkler (Marieke.winkler[at]ou.nl)
Saskia Pieters, Mary Kemperink, Stephan Besser, Marrigje Paijmans, Jolanda van Lee, Leonieke Vermeer, Anne Fleur van de Meer, Tom Idema, Lucas van der Deijl et al.