OSL Skills Course: Creative Non-Fiction Writing
Groningen | 4, 11 and 25 February 2022; 4 March and 11 March 2022, 14:00-16:00
[NB: This is planned as an onsite event, but will move online if necessary]
Organizer: Dr Suzanne Manizza Roszak (University of Groningen)
Open to: PhDs and RMA students; OSL members have first access.
Credits: 5ECs. NB: Credits can only be awarded to humanities ReMA and PhD students from Dutch universities.
THE COURSE IS FULLY BOOKED, please send an e-mail with your name, university and research school to osl@rug.nl. We will put you on our waiting list.
This course will introduce students to contemporary works of creative nonfiction and invite students to develop their own writing practice within this rich and diverse genre. Participants will read recent short-form works that incorporate memoir alongside biography, historical narrative, and cultural commentary using a variety of formal strategies. Treating these works as mentor texts, students will also produce their own creative nonfiction and will cultivate an awareness of the various ways in which they might choose to draw inspiration from as well as innovate on current approaches to the genre. Every seminar meeting will include a workshop component, with students presenting drafts for peer feedback. Polished versions of these drafts will then be submitted at the end of the block. A final reflective meta-writing assignment will create space for student authors to consider how their thematic preoccupations and aesthetic choices connect to the course readings and to the larger body of contemporary creative nonfiction writing. Guidance will also be provided for students who are interested in submitting their work for possible publication in literary magazines.
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[…] Course Creative Non-Fiction Writing | Groningen, February – March 2022. Organizer: Dr. Suzanne Manizza Roszak (University of […]
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