Related Research Master Programmes
- Arts, Media and Literary Studies (RuG)
- Comparative Literary Studies (UU)
- Critical Studies in Art and Culture (VU Amsterdam)
- Cultural Analysis (UvA)
- Cultural Leadership (RuG)
- Cultures of Arts, Science and Technology Research (UM)
- Gender Studies (UU)
- Geschiedenis (UvA)
- Historical, Literary and Cultural Studies (RU Nijmegen)
- Literary Studies (Leiden University)
- Literary Studies (UvA)
- Literature & Contested Spaces (VU Amsterdam)
- Media, Art and Performance Studies (UU)
- Research Master European Studies (UM)
- Sociology of Culture, Media and the Arts (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Related Local Research Institutes
- Amsterdam Research Center for Gender and Sexuality (ARC-GS)
- Amsterdam School for Cultural Analysis (ASCA)
- Amsterdam School of Historical Studies (ASH)
- Centre for Gender and Diversity, Maastricht (CGD)
- Centre for the Humanities
- Instituut voor Cultuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek Groningen (ICOG)
- Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS )
- Onderzoekinstituut voor Geschiedenis en Cultuur (OGC)
- Radboud Institute of Culture and History (RICH)
NICA/OSL Workshop: A Dissolving Poetry – with Dine Doneff
/in News and Events /by Chantal— Image: (c)Fotini Potamia —
11 December 2024 | Leiden University
During this workshop we will focus on the topic “dominant and dominated cultures” taking as an example traditional Macedonian music and poetry to probe bigger questions of prohibition, border literature, translation, and resistance as well as poetry and music’s autonomy. We will explore music from its instances of celebration such as fairs, to its recordings, to its prohibition, and its persecutions.
OSL Schrijfcursus voor geesteswetenschappers: Framen, schrappen en herschrijven
/in News and Events /by Chantal13, 14, 27 & 28 januari 2025 | Universiteit Utrecht
Valorisatie wordt in de wetenschap steeds belangrijker. En dan gaat het er niet alleen over dat je onderzoek aansluiting vindt bij maatschappelijke thema’s, maar ook dat je aan het brede publiek duidelijk kunt maken waar het over gaat en wat er interessant aan is. In deze korte, intensieve schrijfcursus leer je in verschillende tekstgenres je onderzoek te presenteren.
A meeting with Olga Tokarczuk
/in News and Events /by Alberto Godioli1 November 2024 | University of Amsterdam
Polish Nobel Prize-winning author Olga Tokarczuk has won the European Literature Prize for her latest novel Empusion. Together with her translator Karol Lesman, she will pick up this prize on November 2nd. The day before, on Friday 1 November, there will be an opportunity to meet the author and engage in a Q&A with her.
Comics Study Day
/in News and Events /by Alberto Godioli8 November 2024 | University of Amsterdam
The comics medium has long been employed to communicate with a range of audiences from mainstream entertainment to counter-cultural and educational settings. The topics addressed by comics are equally wide-ranging, from superhero stories to histories of war, and from graphic medicine to activism, to name just a few examples. Comics research, in the meantime, came to encompass not only close-reading of specific texts but also the making of comics as a research method. Through this day-long event, Comics Studies Day invites participants to take stock of all these developments and explore comics as a performative medium.
OSL Awards 2024: Call for Submissions
/in News and Events /by Alberto GodioliThe call for the 2024 OSL Awards is now open! Just like last year, the awards consist of five categories: ‘published scholarly book’, ‘published article’, ‘PhD dissertation’, ‘ReMA thesis’ and ‘valorization‘. The Awards are intended to acknowledge original and innovative contributions to the field of literary studies and to highlight the work of talented OSL […]
Ravenstein Winter School: ‘S is for Scholarship: Approaches to Children’s Literature’
/in News and Events /by Alberto GodioliWhere and when: Tilburg, 22-24 January 2025 Organizers: Dr Élodie Malanda (Tilburg University), Dr Vera Veldhuizen (University of Groningen) Open to: PhDs and RMA students; OSL members have first access Credits: 6 ECs. NB: Credits can only be awarded to humanities ReMA and PhD students from Dutch universities. Registration will open 7 October 2024, 9am CET via this […]
OSL Seminar: Queer Textual Politics
/in News and Events /by Alberto GodioliWhere and when: Amsterdam | 6 February, 13 February, 20 February, 6 March, 13 March, 20 March and 3 April 2025 (14:00–17:00 CET) Organizer: dr. Jesse van Amelsvoort (University of Amsterdam) Open to: PhDs and ReMA students; OSL members have first access. Credits: 5-6 EC. More details on the assignments will be provided soon. NB: Credits can only […]
Spinoza Conference 2024: Ignacio Martínez de Pisón
/in News and Events /by Alberto Godioli© Picture Javier Burbano
14 November 2024 | Leiden University
The Spinoza Lecture is an annual lecture given in Spanish by a prominent personality of Hispanic literature, organized since 2005 by the Cultural Council of the Spanish Embassy in The Hague and the Cervantes Institute in Utrecht. On this occasion, the Conference will take place at the Hague Campus of the University of Leiden, the city where the Dutch philosopher of Sephardic origin died in 1677 and which will host the event for the first time. The Spinoza Lecture 2024 will be given by the Spanish novelist Ignacio Martínez de Pisón, one of the most respected voices of Hispanic prose of our time, considered by many to be the greatest representative of current realist literature in Spanish.
OSL Seminar: ‘Forms of Postcolonial and Postsocialist Time: Eternal Presents and Resurfacing Futures’
/in News and Events /by Alberto GodioliNovember – December 2024 | University of Groningen and University of Amsterdam
This course addresses the ways in which literature and art, in their generic capacity for multi-perspective representation, reimagine place and agency within the eternal present inaugurated by the end of the Cold War at the turn of the 1990s. This global discourse of contemporaneity was meant to deconstruct the linear progressive time of modernity that dominated the 20th century. However, arrested within such perceptions of new spatio-temporal fluidities of “the contemporary” were the heterogeneous temporalities of decolonization and democratization in societies that had been negotiating the impacts and afterlives of empire and ideological conflicts of the Cold War across the long 20th century.
OSL Seminar: ‘Writing Extinction and the Planetary Turn’
/in News and Events /by Alberto GodioliSeptember – December 2024 | Utrecht University
n this course, we explore this “planetary turn” in fiction and art. We will not only interrogate the affordances of specific forms to postulate futures of hopefulness and resilience in the face of planetary precarity, but also problematize narratives that center Euro-Western histories and experiences or that use deep temporalities to articulate exclusionary settler colonial emergency imaginaries. In addition, we will consider alternative cultural forms that highlight decolonial or other-than-human perspectives.