Ravenstein Winter School ‘New Perspectives on the Novel: Histories, Forms, Representations’
Utrecht, 18-20 January 2023
Organizers: Dr Lucas van der Deijl (University of Groningen), Dr Roel Smeets (Radboud University) and Dr Inge van de Ven (Tilburg University)
Open to: PhDs and RMA students; OSL members have first access
Credits: 5-6 ECs. NB: Credits can only be awarded to humanities ReMA and PhD students from Dutch universities.
Registration will open in 28 November 2022 (deadline for registration: 4 January 2023). NB: Should you encounter problems with the registration form, please try emptying your cache and/or signing up via a different browser. If the problem persists, you can register by emailing osl@rug.nl with your name, affiliation, status (ReMA, PhD, other) and research school membership.
The Ravenstein Seminar 2023 offers an exciting program of both Dutch and international scholars specializing in the study of the novel, including confirmed keynotes Richard Jean So (McGill University), Karin Kukkonen (University of Oslo) and Caroline Levine (Cornell University). Besides plenary lectures and panel sessions on the history, form, and politics of novels from various language fields and cultural contexts, the program contains hands-on workshops about research methods tailored for the study of both individual cases and large collections of novels. Particular attention will be paid to digital humanities approaches to close and distant reading.
The full program is now available here: Ravenstein 2023_Program
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[…] Ravenstein Winter School ‘New Perspectives on the Novel: Histories, Forms, RepresentationsR… | Utrecht, 18-20 January 2023. Organizers: Dr Roel Smeets (Radboud University), Dr Inge van de Ven (Tilburg University) and Lucas van der Deijl (University of Groningen). 5-6ECs. […]
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