What Next? Life After Your ReMA/PhD
30 September 2022, 14:00-18:00 CET | Amsterdam, Roeterseilandcampus (REC) B2.01 and B2.11
Organizers: Dr Alberto Godioli (University of Groningen), Kim Schoof (Open University), Clara Vlessing (Utrecht University) and Kaspar Hendrichs (Leiden University)
Open to: PhDs and RMA students; OSL members have first access. Interested (regular) MA students are welcome to participate.
Credits: None.
Registration NOTE: When registering, please indicate your Research and Career interests (for the speed-networking session) at the remarks.
What does life look like after a ReMA or PhD in literary studies / the humanities? How can you find out what professional path is most suitable for you? During this event, OSL ReMAs and PhDs will have an opportunity to discuss these questions with academics at various stages in their careers, as well as OSL alumni working in policy making and the cultural sector.
14:00-14:15: Walk-in and introduction (REC B2.01)
14:15-15:30: Career perspectives outside academia: Creative industries, policy, education, advertising (REC B2.01; Chairs: Kim Schoof and Clara Vlessing; Speakers: Maarten Gooskens, Rik Kleuver, Annelies van der Meij, Sophie de Ruiter, Grace Vroomen)
15:30-15:45: Coffee break
15:45-16:45: Academic life after your ReMA (REC B2.01; Chair: Alberto Godioli; Speakers: Andries Hiskes, Jilt Jorritsma, Kim Schoof)
15:45-16:45: Academic life after your PhD (REC B2.11; Chair: Konstantin Mierau; Speakers: Jesse van Amelsvoort, Leila Essa, Judith Jansma)
16:45-17:00: Coffee break
17:00-17:30: Speed-networking (REC B2.01 and B2.11)
17:30: Drinks
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[…] What Next? Life After Your ReMA/PhD | Amsterdam, 30 September 2022, 14:00-18:00 CET. Organizers: Dr Alberto Godioli (University of Groningen), Kim Schoof (Open University), Clara Vlessing (Utrecht University) and Kaspar Hendrichs (Leiden University) […]
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