About OSL
The Netherlands Research School for Literary Studies (OSL) is the national research network for literary theory, comparative and (trans)national literatures, and interdisciplinary approaches to literature in The Netherlands. OSL provides high standard and cutting-edge academic education for ReMA students and PhD candidates in these fields and serves as a forum for the exchange of research ideas, network contacts and intellectual inspiration for literary scholars in The Netherlands and beyond.
Mission statement
It is the ambition of OSL to
- provide a high standard and cutting-edge academic education in literary studies for PhD researchers and ReMA students
- provide an intellectual and academic forum for the discussion of the state of the art of literary studies, including its rich traditions in the Netherlands and elsewhere; and
- offer researchers and staff members a platform for the exchange of expertise and ideas and opportunities for building academic networks
OSL strives to be the intellectual and academic forum for the discussion, advancement and reflection of the state(s) of the art of literary studies in The Netherlands, including its rich traditions here and elsewhere. We encourage the study of literature, understood as language art and knowledge in all its forms, in its historical and current manifestations and dynamics, from a variety of perspectives. The research of OSL members focuses on modern and contemporary literature. Focal points include:
- Materiality and Mediality of Literature
- Memory
- Narrative, Reading and Cognition
- Empirical and Digital Approaches
- Globalization and Post-colonialism
- Eco-Criticism and Environmental Humanities
- Literature, Knowledge and Discourse
- Sociological Approaches
- Literature and Law
- Educational Innovation
The different perspectives converge in the engagement with literature as a specific object of study and form of knowledge that requires expert and detailed study and offers valuable insight into cultural, social and cognitive processes.
Executive Team. The OSL Executive Team consists of Academic Director Prof. dr. Pablo Valdivia, Programme Director Dr. Alberto Godioli , Office Manager Chantal Olijerhoek and Social Media Manager Melissa Luypaers.
School Board. The OSL School Board is formed by representatives of all universities participating in the OSL. The members of the School Board are:
- Prof. Dr. Maria Boletsi (Leiden University / University of Amsterdam) (Chair)
- Prof. Dr. Marguérite Corporaal (Radboud University)
- Dr. Marieke Winkler (Open University)
- Prof. Dr. Odile Heynders (Tilburg University)
- Dr. Miriam Meissner (Maastricht University)
- Prof. Dr. Sandra Ponzanesi (Utrecht University)
- Prof. Dr. Frans Willem Korsten (Leiden University)
- Prof. Dr. Margriet van der Waal (University of Groningen/ University of Amsterdam)
- Marit van de Warenburg (PhD representative, Utrecht University)
- María Isabel Marín Morales (PhD representative, University of Groningen)
- Britt Corporaal (ReMA representative, University of Groningen)
OSL is represented at ten Dutch universities: the University of Groningen (RUG, currently chairing the network), University of Amsterdam (UvA), Utrecht University (UU), Free University Amsterdam (VU), Leiden University (UL), Radboud University Nijmegen (RUN), Tilburg University (UvT), Maastricht University (UM), Fryske Akademy (FA), and Open University (OU).
Social safety
OSL is committed to providing all students, staff and visitors with a safe environment. All universities participating in OSL endorse the Netherlands Code of Conduct. OSL places great importance on collegiality, integrity, equality, respect, openness and attention to each other. We do not tolerate any type of undesirable conduct, including sexual and general harassment, aggression, bullying or discrimination.
All faculties have their own social security system and possess an ethics committee and/or a special social security officer either on faculty level or on university level. Since all OSL members are part of their own faculty, breaches of desirable and ethical conduct are typically dealt with by the faculty ethics committees. It has been agreed, however, that if undesirable or unethical behavior is reported to the OSL director or educational board, the board can take measures regarding participation in OSL activities or can even revoke OSL membership, in consultation with the alleged offender’s university, who is formally responsible to secure an adequate response.
Oude Kijk in ‘t Jatstraat 26
9712 EK Groningen
The Netherlands
e-mail: osl@rug.nl
tel. +31 50 363 57 10