Leonardo Arriagada | CG-art: An aesthetic discussion of the relationship between artistic creativity and computation
Leonardo Arriagada | CG-art: An aesthetic discussion of the relationship between artistic creativity and computation | University of Groningen | Supervisors: Prof. Pablo Valdivia, Dr Florian Lippert and Dr Alberto Godioli
This PhD research strives to understand how computer-generated art (CG-art) is reshaping the notion of artistic creativity. Thus, the focus lies on the relationship between Artificial Intelligence (A.I) and aesthetics.
I propose that CG-art criticism has an anthropocentric bias that overlooks current tech advances and ignores an existing mechanical dimension into artistic creativity. To demonstrate this, I will divide this research into two phases — the first will be a critical review of existing studies on computing and artistic creativity, while the second phase will be the analysis of a corpus of CG-art. In this way, I intend to question human exclusivity in artistic production. In short, I seek to strengthen the idea that machines can create art, thereby contributing to the understanding of art in the age of A.I.