OSL Day: Health Humanities in Practice

Date: 4 April 2024
Time: 9.30-18.00
Venue: Utrecht University, Israelslaan 118 Utrecht, room 0.02
Open to: PhDs and RMA students; OSL members have first access
Credits: 1 or 2 EC, see below
Registration: You can register via THIS LINK

This session is part of the ‘Critical-Creative Approaches to Health Humanities’ initiative sponsored by OSL and aims to bring together students and scholars working in or with fields related to health humanities, including narrative medicine, aging studies, disability studies, and humanities-based approaches to healthcare issues.

In the morning program of this session, dr. Megan Milota, associate professor in narrative medicine at the UMC, as well as two recent graduates from the UU’s Master in Medical Humanities program, Mike van Spaandonk and Lies Hoogerwerf, will discuss how they’re applying their skills and expertise in ongoing work in health humanities and the workforce. In addition to showcasing their work, these researchers will discuss how they navigated the development of their careers, paying special attention to how they learned to work in interdisciplinary settings. Individuals with backgrounds in fields such as literary and cultural studies often employ methodologies different from those used in the medical field and use distinct professional terminology. Learning how to effectively communicate the expertise and skills that humanities researchers bring to the table is crucial for understanding how we can contribute to interdisciplinary situations.

In the second half, we invite graduate students (enrolled in MA and PhD programs) from fields such as literary studies and cultural analysis, working on health-related topics, to present their work. Each presentation will be 10 minutes followed by 20 minutes of feedback and discussion The main purpose of this afternoon program is to facilitate an interactive feedback session where we aim to both engage with each other’s work and explore ways in which this work could be relevant to a broader audience beyond the humanities. Additionally, for those interested, we will discuss how current research may be developed into larger projects.

We ask graduate students to submit an abstract of ca. 400 words. Due to time constraints, we may have to make a selection in the submissions. Submissions can be sent in until Sunday, March 24 to Andries Hiskes via a.r.hiskes@hum.leidenuniv.nl.

Students receiving 1 EC will write a short report (800-1000) that details how the insights learned during the day aids them in their research or career development. This report can be sent to Andries Hiskes via a.r.hiskes@hum.leidenuniv.nl. Presenters for the afternoon program can earn 2 EC’s.


Programme Outline:

9.30 – Welcome and reception

10.00 – Plenary opening to the ‘Health Humanities in Practice’ by Andries Hiskes

10.15 – First speaker: Megan Milota

10.35 – Second speaker: Mike van Spaandonk

10.55 – Third speaker: Lies Hoogerwerf

11.15 – Coffee/tea break

11.30 – Roundtable discussion and plenary discussions about career building in the health humanities

12.30 – Lunch

13.30 – Caro Suringar

14.00 – Max Casey

14.30 – Julia Nuegarten

15.00 – Coffee/tea break

15.15 – Group discussion with speaker panel

16.30 – Drinks