AGAINST EXTINCTION: A Symposium, Festival, and Proposition

Image: Film still from The Magician (The De-Extinct Project) by Justine Blau 29 June, 2024 | Day program: 10:00-17:00; walk-ins, walk-throughs welcome | Evening program: doors open at 19:30; performances begin at 20:00 | Location: Gasthuis Leeuwenbergh, Servaasbolwerk 1a, Utrecht NB: OSL students can obtain 1EC from the Day Program as follows: – Registering by sending an […]

OSL PhD Day ‘Literature and Community’: Full Program

Date: 7 June 2024 | Time: 10:00-18:00 | Venue: Leiden University (Lipsius Building 1.23) | Organizers: Sofía Forchieri (Radboud University) and María Isabel Marin Morales (University of Groningen) | Open to: PhDs and RMA students; OSL members have first access | Credits: 1 EC Registration for this event opened on February 5th. Please register via THIS LINK. NB: ReMA students are also welcome to […]

Symposium ‘Dutch Colonialism and Its Afterlives: Anglophone Literary Perspectives’

Date: 14 June 2024 Time: 10:15-16:00 Venue: University of Groningen, Academy Building, room A7 Open to: PhDs and RMA students; OSL members have first access Organizers: Dr. Suzanne Manizza Roszak and Dr. Ann Hoag (University of Groningen) Credits: 1-2 ECs Registration VIA THIS LINK will close on May 15. Among contemporary writers of historical fiction […]

OSL Day: Health Humanities in Practice

4 April 2024 | Utrecht University
This session is part of the ‘Critical-Creative Approaches to Health Humanities’ initiative sponsored by OSL and aims to bring together students and scholars working in or with fields related to health humanities, including narrative medicine, aging studies, disability studies, and humanities-based approaches to healthcare issues.

OSL Workshop: Introduction to Digital Philology

Date: 15, 17, 22 and 24 May | Time: 15:00-17:00 (15, 17 and 22 May), 13:00-17:00 (24 May) | Venue: Utrecht University. Exact rooms, see below | Instructor: Dr Gandolfo Cascio (Utrecht University) | Open to: PhDs and RMA students; OSL members have first access | Credits: 1-2 ECs Registration will open VIA THIS LINK on 5 February 2024 NB: Credits can only be awarded to […]

OSL PhD Day 2024: Call for Papers

Dear OSL PhDs and ReMAs, We are excited to announce that the upcoming OSL PhD day will take place at Leiden University, Lipsius Building 1.23 on Friday, 7 June 2024 (10:00-18:00).  The day’s theme will be “Literature and Community.” The program will consist of a keynote lecture by Dr Leila Essa (Utrecht University) and two […]

OSL Symposium: ‘Genre and Gender Bending in Trans* Literature’

In this symposium we propose to examine the bending of gender and genre in recently published works of fiction written by trans* authors. The keynote lectures will present novel methodological frameworks and theoretical concepts for the analysis of such texts, allowing students to study their transcending character. During the panel round, several researchers in the Netherlands and beyond will be invited to talk about their current projects.

OSL Masterclass: ‘Literature/Comics Crossroads: Genres, Forms, Narratives’

The masterclass sets out to examine the notions of fiction, life-writing and historicity through the medium of comics. Literature has found its way into the form of comics in a range of ways, be it adaptations of literary works or non-fiction narratives using extracts from literary works as scaffolding for autobiographical experiences. By focusing on the latter, in this masterclass we will explore comics from different transnational contexts and examine the ways in which they engage literary fiction to tell their story. In doing so, we will address the questions: what can comics as a form of knowledge contribute to the ways in which we frame historical events, including their ruptures, continuities, and the ways they affect ‘ordinary lives’? What different roles does literary fiction assume in this process? What is at stake when representing difficult, contested historical moments? How do graphic narratives negotiate the tension between the documentary and the aesthetic? How do different media interact on the comics page?

OSL Skills Course: Computational Literary Studies

Scholars working in computational literary studies make use of computer software that helps them to analyze digital textual data. Software can support the exploration of a much larger amount of data in systematic ways than was possible before. In this course, students will get introduced to the most important current approaches in computational literary studies, ranging from the analysis of style and methods for the verification and attribution of authorship to various forms of ‘distant reading’ and discourse analysis.