OSL Research Day and Lecture with Prof. Rita Felski
Nijmegen, 29 September 2023, 13:00-17:00 | Elinor Ostromgebouw – room 01.610 (Heyendaalseweg 141 Nijmegen)
Organizer: Prof. Michael Boyden (Radboud University)
Credits: 1EC. NB: Credits can only be awarded to humanities ReMA and PhD students from Dutch universities
Registration will open on 28 August 2023 via this link.
Registration deadline: 15 September 2023, end of day
THE RESEARCH DAY IS FULLY BOOKED, please send an e-mail with your with your name, affiliation, status (ReMA, PhD, other) and research school membership to osl@rug.nl. We will put you on our waiting list.
This event will feature a lecture by Prof. Rita Felski (University of Virginia) titled “How Not to Talk About Experience,” followed by a panel with presentations by OSL research group coordinators.
Full programme:
13:00-13:30 Walk-in and welcome
13:30-15:00 Prof. Rita Felski, “How Not to Talk About Experience” + Q&A
15:00-15:30 Coffee break
15:30-17:00 Presentations by research group coordinators (followed by Q&A): Prof. Maria Boletsi (Crisis and Critique), Dr. Ksenia Robbe (Theories from the South and the East), Prof. Michael Boyden (Sustainable Humanities), Dr. Ted Laros and Dr. Alberto Godioli (Literature, Law and Society).
17:00 Drinks
Abstract: Prof. Rita Felski, “How Not to Talk About Experience”
Why do standard textbooks of literary theory avoid the concept of experience? And why is the turn to literary experience now an accelerating trend? This talk looks to recent German theory, and to Hartmut Rosa’s account of the phenomenology and sociology of resonance, as a resource for literary critics interested in rethinking experience in relational and worldly terms.
Rita Felski holds the John Stewart Bryan Professorship of English at the University of Virginia. Her research concentrates on aesthetics, method, and interpretation. In her latest book, Hooked: Art and Attachment (2020), she discusses what makes us emotionally connected to art. She argues that “being hooked” is as fundamental to the appreciation of high art as it is to the enjoyment of popular culture. Felski also served as editor of several high-ranking journals such as Feminist Theory, Modernism/Modernity and Modern Fiction Studies. She was awarded multiple fellowships and professorships, among which the Niels Bohr Professorship by the Danish National Research Foundation in 2016 and the Guggenheim Fellowship in 2010.
In order to obtain 1EC, students are required to:
- Read a text by Prof. Felski in preparation for the lecture (the text will be circulated in advance among all registered participants);
- Submit one question for the Q&A via email to osl@rug.nl by Wednesday 27 September, end of day;
- Write a short report (approx. 300 words) about Prof. Felski’s lecture and/or the research group session, and submit it to osl@rug.nl by Friday 20 October, end of day.