PhD Ceremony – Floor Buschenhenke: Entering stories: decoding born-digital writing through keystroke logging

17 January 2025 | University of Amsterdam

On January 17th, 2025, OSL-member Floor Buschenhenke will defend her thesis Entering stories: decoding born-digital writing through keystroke logging. This thesis delves into the intricate dynamics of digital writing processes to explore how eleven Dutch and Flemish fiction writers create their texts. The theoretical foundation stems from genetic criticism and writing studies. After an introduction of keystroke logging as a tool for recording digital writing, four archetypical writing strategies are used to characterise these writers’ approaches. Then, a newly developed measure of non-linearity is applied to the processes, followed by an in-depth look at the role that revision plays. The core questions for this thesis are: How do cognitive and literary theories inform textual changes? How do writers structure their activities over time? What are the shared practices and unique methods of different writers?

The defense will take place at the Agnietenkapel, Oudezijds Voorburgwal 231, Amsterdam, at 10.00 am. The thesis is available online >