Tiele-scriptieprijs 2023

Tiele-scriptieprijs 2023

De Tiele-Stichting looft ieder jaar een prijs uit voor de beste scriptie op het gebied van de boekwetenschap in de ruimste zin van het woord. Deelname staat open voor iedere studerende aan een hbo- of wo-opleiding in Nederland en Vlaanderen. De scriptie moet zijn afgerond en door de onderwijsinstelling aanvaard in het academisch jaar 1 september 2022-1 september 2023. Studenten kunnen hun scriptie inzenden t/m 30 september aanstaande.

Call for papers: Food and Taste in Travel Writing

Call for papers: Food and Taste in Travel Writing: Comparative Representations in Post-Colonial Literary and Visual Culture Deadline for abstract submissions: November 1, 2023 Deadline for full article: July 1, 2024 Name of organisation: Dutch Centre for Travel Writing Studies, Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS) Contact email: a.s.arps@uva.nl Food, travel, and […]

Call for Papers: International Conference – Taboo in Cultural Heritage

1 & 2 February 2024 | Amsterdam
This international conference aims to reflect on the concept of taboo in relation to cultural heritage in the context of colonialism and national socialism and their reverberations in society. What can the dynamics of taboo convey about today’s globalizing world? How have taboos shaped (and continue to shape) and impacted the process of cultural heritage making? How do taboos generate heritage dissonance (Tunbridge and Ashworth, 1996)? How does the concept apply to ‘difficult heritage’ (Macdonald, 2009)? How do/could/should cultural heritage professionals deal with questioning the display, adjustment or removal of such ‘burdened heritage’, and is every heritage professional and scholar ‘allowed’ to address every topic?

The Feminst Classroom: Pedagogies, Contestations and Horizons

Tijdschrift voor Genderstudies invites abstract submissions for a double-special issue scheduled for autumn 2024. The guest editors are Annelies Kleinherenbrink, Katrine Smiet, Ea Høg Utoft & Garjan Sterk (Gender & Diversity Studies, Radboud University, Nijmegen) The Feminst Classroom: Pedagogies, Contestations and Horizons Feminist studies and related fields, including queer, postcolonial and critical race studies, are […]

Call for Papers: Urban Lives – Amsterdam Diaries and Other Stories of the Self

26 – 28 October 2023 | University of Amsterdam
In October 2025, Amsterdam will celebrate its 750th anniversary. In light of this upcoming celebration, two of the city’s institutes of higher education, the University of Amsterdam and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, are inviting academics, artists, and others to share their research and knowledge on one particular topic: Amsterdam diaries and other stories of the self. We are in particular focusing on Amsterdam-based self-narratives across the centuries, told by ‘ordinary individuals’, such as diaries and memoirs. We want to examine what it was like to live in the city, to study, work and go out, engage with other people, find places where one belongs (or perhaps feels excluded), and to move through its streets.