Vacancy: DIAS Professor of Literature at the Faculty of Humanities

Odense, Denmark
Application deadline: February 27, 2025 at 12.59 PM/23.59 (CET/CEST). 
The Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS) and the Department of Culture and Language at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) invite applications for a fully tenured professorship in the study of literature. The candidate is expected to start in October 2025, or as soon as possible. 

XV Lisbon Summer School for the Study of Culture

Lisbon, June 30 – July 5, 2025
After years of financial crisis and politics of austerity, as well as a pandemic that brought ordinary life to a halt, culture today is laden with excess. This excess can take many different shapes and foster diverse readings, some of them positive, focusing on excess as an opportunity, while others reflect on its pernicious effects.

IWL 2024: A report by Marit van de Warenburg

This year’s edition of the Harvard-based Institute of World Literature program took place at the University of Cyprus from July 18th to August 1st. OSL PhD candidate Marit van de Warenburg (Utrecht University) took part in the program — please find Marit’s report below!   This summer, I had the opportunity to participate in the Institute […]

Book launch Josje Weusten + Seeing is believing

13 November 2024 | Lumiere Maastricht
During the presentation of her book Fake Fish – a dystopian novel about the devastating impact of fake news and the cancel culture on the European Union – author Josje Weusten will have a conversation with Dr Jan de Roder. After their conversation, a documentary on synthetic media and Deepfake, one of the main themes of the book, will be shown. Afterwards, in collaboration with book store De Tribune, books will be sold and signed.

Tiele-symposium ‘Buitenkant van het boek’

29 november 2024 | KB Den Haag
De buitenkant van een boek beïnvloedt de lezer direct: is het aantrekkelijk? Bevat het foto’s, illustraties of alleen tekst? Is het bedoeld om gelezen te worden of functioneert het meer als een kunstobject? De vormgeving hangt vaak af van wat op dat moment in de mode is en wie het publiek is.

Oproep MdNL-Fellowship 2024

De deadline voor het indienen van voorstellen is 15 december 2024.
De Maatschappij der Nederlandse Letterkunde, gevestigd te Leiden, werd in 1766 opgericht als een vereniging van letterkundigen, taalkundigen en historici. De Maatschappij heeft als doel de beoefening van de schone letteren en de studie van de Nederlandse taal- en letterkunde, geschieden oudheidkunde in hun onderlinge samenhang te bevorderen. Vanaf 2019 reikt de Maatschappij fellowships uit aan maximaal twee onderzoekers per jaar.

ComFor conference: Graphic Medicine

23-25 October 2024 | University of Groningen
Initiated in 2007, the area of study called ‘Graphic Medicine’ has developed into an impressive field of research that is today broadly understood as “the intersection of the medium of comics and the discourse of healthcare” (Czerwiec et al. 2015). As a discipline, it understands itself as an ‘emerging area of interdisciplinary academic study’ including both theoretical and methodological developments from several disciplines connected to comics studies as well as practical insights and applications from medical practitioners in the healthcare context.

Submissions from eligible authors are invited for the award of the Anna Balakian Prize 2025 

The deadline for submission is 31st January, 2025
The Anna Balakian Prize is presented at the Triennial Congress of the ICLA, in order to reward an exceptional first monograph in the field of comparative literary studies, written by a single author who has not attained the age of 40 years. The prize, in the amount of U.S.$ 1000, comes from a joint donation from the family of Anna Balakian and the Friends of the AILC-ICLA. Its purpose is to promote the scientific research of the young comparatists and to honour the memory of Professor Anna Balakian, a reputed comparatist.

#dm4myth Workshop: Call for Papers

Aarhus – Denmark | 3 December 2024
We are excited to announce the First Workshop on Digital Methods for Mythological Research (#dm4myth) taking place on December 3rd, 2024. The workshop aims to bring together a network of researchers from various disciplines and backgrounds who are passionate about mythological narratives and their study using digital methods. This includes research efforts such as the automatic or semi-automatic analysis and modeling of mythological narratives, comparative efforts using digital tools, or the study and representation of mythological characters.

GDS Mini-symposium: Van een open blik naar een dieper begrip van digitale bookish platforms

20 november 2024 | Universiteit Utrecht
Dit mini-symposium brengt een diverse groep van jongeren, bookfluencers, leerkrachten, leesbevorderaars, onderzoekers en beleidsmakers samen om vanuit verschillende perspectieven en ervaringen tot een dieper begrip te komen van digitale bookish platforms, de lezersgemeenschappen die zich hierop manifesteren en eventuele mogelijkheden om (kenmerken van) deze digitale bookish platforms in te zetten in het voortgezet literatuuronderwijs.